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Room at Whaler's Inn
Life on Phillips Lane

The Whaler's Inn

Mystic, Connecticut

Lantern Light Tour - 2 Night Package

Mystic Seaport invites you to join in for an evening of seasonal cheer with Lantern Light Tours, “The Spirit of the Holiday: A Christmas Ghost Story.” Set on Christmas Eve in the year 1876, the play unfolds through five scenes of historical hilarity featuring a gentlemen’s athletic contest, a spirited circle dance, a visit with old St. Nick, and a horse and carriage ride.  Warm up after your tour with a cozy dinner for two at local favorite, The Captain Daniel Packer Inne, just a short walk from the Inn.
Packages start at $200 per night and include:

Your 2-night stay

Two tickets for the Lantern Light Tour at the Mystic Seaport - see your reservations agents for available dates/times

Dinner for two (two entrees and two house cocktails) at The Captain Daniel Packer Inne.

Valid weekends of: November 24-26, December 1-3, December 8-11, December 15-18, and December 22-24, 2017 only.  Based on double occupancy with a one night stay.  Subject to change and availability.  Tour tickets are non-refundable. Rates depend on room type chosen.

How to Book:
Call 860-536-1506
Offer Valid:

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