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Front entrance of resort on sunny day
Nonantum Resort

Nonantum Resort

Kennebunkport, Maine

Experience Fall in Maine-Couples Foliage Special

Fall in Maine is truly a special time. Rates start at just $219 per night with a $50 dining certificate which can be used in our romantic waterfront restaurant 95 Ocean or in Heckman’s Pub.
The summer crowds have calmed down and Kennebunkport becomes a peaceful paradise. Come experience the beautiful rocky Maine coast with gorgeous views for leaf peepers.  The couples foliage special will run from 10-1 through 10-22 and you can enjoy our complimentary shuttle service that runs within a 5 mile radius of the resort.This special also includes an extensive complimentary breakfast buffet. Click here to make your reservations to experience fall in Maine and use the promotional code “FALL“.

$219 per night
How to Book:
Please call our dedicated reservations staff at
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