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Front entrance of resort on sunny day
Nonantum Resort

Nonantum Resort

Kennebunkport, Maine

Love Kennebunkport - Romantic Getaway

Experience Kennebunkport - one of New England's most romantic towns. Sunsets on the water, nearby beaches for strolling, picturesque fishing villages, and romantic restaurants make KPort the perfect coastal Maine escape. Enjoy champagne and chocolate-covered strawberries in your elegantly-appointed guest room upon arrival. Relax and (re)connect with your sweetheart. Cozy up on a horse-drawn carriage ride past the historic sea captains' mansions and lovely homes of Kennebunkport's historical neighborhood. Enjoy a romantic weekend getaway (May-Sept), or a romantic midweek escape (June-Labor Day).

Available nightly through Columbus Day (Oct. 12). Select rate code "Love Kennebunkport." Rates based on double occupancy. Cannot be applied to existing reservations or combined with any other offers.



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