Every member gets a listing page with a detailed description, image gallery, activity & amenity information, a high-quality hero photo and direct links to your reservation system and website. We’re confident that your NEIRA membership will pay for itself in increased exposure, customer awareness, and increased bookings. That confidence is backed by 24/7 access to the web statistic dashboard provided to each member, complete with detailed statistics for your listing on NewEnglandInnsandResorts.com. We strive to be in your top 10 referring sites.

Direct Booking
When travelers find you on our website, they go straight from our site to yours. All members receive a direct link to their website, online reservation page and click to call from their membership listing, No commissions or fees to members

Educational Opportunities
Learn from the best and brightest in the industry and get the scoop on industry trends. From online webinars you can view at your desk to free marketing seminars in your region and an annual conference that moves around New England, we offer something for everyone to fit your life and work style.

Connect with a seasoned group of innovative hospitality professionals who will share their knowledge and resources to help strengthen your business. We offer many forms of networking from our virtual #MemberMondays and #TopicThursdays to our round table discussions at the Annual Conference and a member only Facebook page.

NEIRA Gift Cards
NEIRA Gift cards are redeemable only at member properties (no commissions, no fees). Over $1 million in New England Inns & Resorts gift cards in the hands of future guests. Our gift card marketing campaigns include paid search, display advertising, retargeting ads, blog and social media campaigns.
Learn more about NEIRA's Marketing Programs & Membership Benefits
- Inn Crowd newsletter helps members fill rooms by promoting a deal to over 27,000 opt-in subscribers bi-weekly.
- Social Media NEIRA's marketing team is creating an engaged, growing audience on Facebook, Instagram and our blog. Our Social channels share member news and regional stories to build a stronger connection with travelers.
- Add offers to your member listing and to the offers page to help promote special events and drive business in off-season travel periods.
- Exclusive media leads and story requests are distributed to members through our Check In newsletter.
- Employee Rate Program Get out of town! You and your staff can experience other NEIRA member properties at a substantially discounted rate, dependent upon availability and advance reservations.
- Travel shows NEIRA’s presence at travel shows and on sales missions put us and our members in front of savvy travelers.
- NEIRA’s marketing power Diverse online marketing strategies, including SEO and social media, plus powerful public relations and partnerships, boost awareness of the association and our members.
The Extras: NEIRA's Marketing Tiers
In addition to all the benefits included in each and every membership, NEIRA’s marketing tiers give members extra power to boost exposure. Choose the options that fit your property, your budget, and your priorities.
Experience Pages
Featured Property top billing on special interest pages — SEO-friendly pages for skiing, beach, romance, family, shopping, culinary, adventure, golf, Pet friendly, Arts & History and spa — are prime real estate. Increase your exposure by adding an experience listing for a featured placement at the top of the listings on your desired pages. All members receive a free text listing on applicable experience pages.
Direct Leads for Meetings, Weddings and Groups
Target weddings, meetings and groups business. Bring in large groups, meetings, and weddings with a listing on an SEM-optimized page targeting group business. Members listed on these pages receive direct electronic leads and RFPs from wedding and event planners, brides and grooms, and group travel planners.
State Slideshow
You can drive more people to your listing page by showcasing an image of your property on the your state results page, a starting point for many of the travelers who use our website. Your image will appear with a link to your member listing, boosting awareness and earning you more clicks.